
The Drunken Sailor

I think I have finally made a breakthrough tonight! Not cured, but possibly “better”. Normally when I get an email that I want to respond to right away, and that needs attention and deep though (but non work stuff) I tend to do the knee-jerk of sending a reply right away, usually prefixed with something […]

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Things Done During the Day

Things I accomplished today: Cleaned my desk off of cat hair, papers, gunk and grime Ditto for my shelf Cleaned out my wallet of old receipts, using space cleared by above cleaning Got my business accounting up to date, with the appropriate forms printed out for my meeting with the SEP accounting mentor tomorrow Got

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Sunday Morning Coming Down

Why is it that some people use products like Microsoft Office to write web pages? Oh sure, it’s easy, but does it display worth crap in any other browser? Course not! Who cares if your vital information is unreadable to 10% of the Internet? Just got back from the gym, munching down my protein bar.

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An Agreeable Arrangement

My cat and I have come to an amicable agreement regarding the office chairs. He gets mine, I get the wierd yuppy kneeling chair thing, and I pet him, in my chair, while I work. Sounds fair doesn’t it. <pause to pet cat> I converted my root partition to RAID0 (striping for speed) today. First

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Slept horribly last night. I went to bed just after 11 with the intention of getting up at 6am to go to the gym and then go to work. As time ground on it was 12:30 and I was still lying in bed unable to sleep. Shouldn’t have had that cup of tea I guess.

Ugh Read Post »

Sunny… oh yea!

Nice day out after some wacky morning fog burnt off…. looked like there was a fire or something when I got back from my run. Not long after, just after breakfast, there was a power outage too, lots of fun. Sat around reading for a bit, then started cleaning. Lucky for me the power came

Sunny… oh yea! Read Post »

Da Fingertiiiiips

Got up at 8, went for a run. Came home, eat, showered, vegged a bit and played around with a backup program called mondo-rescue. Cat5 came by, went went to the climbing gym and discovered that my fingertips are in no way near the same shape that they once were, and that all the work

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Day 1 Report

Was good. Not too brutal on the getting up in the morning thing, as 7:00am is when I get up to go to the gym. It was relatively easy to get up and get myself awake and alive in the morning, even with making a lunch (well, throwing some leftovers in foil and into a

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Day 0.25

Yesterday I went into the place that I’ll be for a while to do a meet and greet with the main programmer there, J. He’s a decent guy with wild hair that makes me think a haircut was completely un-needed. I got a good feel for what the project will entail and how it is

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