
It’s Just a Game

Though a set of very uninteresting circumstances I ended up going all over the place today, and getting a haircut. Not nearly as drastic as the last one, but it was strange. My only requirements were “professional” and “easy to maintain”, and the girl did a good job. We ended up coming back from Coquitlum […]

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More VB Suckage

I don’t mind VBscript so much, it’s ok as a web scripting language, if not a bit of stupid one. Sessions are very easy to deal with, so doing things like session authentication is dead simple. However, the one thing that had me all in a tizzy was the fact that a variable has to

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Neat Stuff

I just added a link to The Diary of Samuel Pepys (under “noteable”), a serialization of a diary kept starting in 1660. The diary has been serialized and is updated every day, a fascinating project, especially after reading some of the history about my own family, and reading excerpts from diarys from a similar age.

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More Technical Woes

Well, my linux system is re-creating itself slowly as we speak. The beauty and the curse of Gentoo Linux is that it allows you to compile everything from source, meaning of course, you have to wait for everything to compile from source. I spent some of today messing around and when I found that some

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Computer Surgery Needed

Well, new years went well, a quiet evening at home watching such classic movies as Trading Spaces and Flesh Gordon Meets the Cosmic Cheerleaders (a very strange movie indeed). Today was fine, hung out at home a bit looking at the new Gentoo 1.4 rc2 release and ended up heading to see The Two Towers

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Let it Snow Let it Snow

Well last night we finally got some snow! By midnight or so it was really coming down hard, and starting to stick. Sadly, as it goes with this area, by morning (that’d be now) it’s turned to rain, the sun is coming out, and the snow is pretty much gone. Hopefully it’ll come back soon

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Box Up

Finally it looks like my server is good. It took a twelve hour day, spare hardware, and the good graces of Fred and Tom (whom we kept far longer than we should have) to get it all together.

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The Gods Hate Me

Pingable, not reachable by web, then dead completely. Fred found some info about what is going on, and it appears to be that particular IDE controller + DMA + lots of I/O. No idea why this is only showing up now of course. I’ll probably be heading in today to replace the motherboard and CPUs

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Don’t Go out on Boxing Day

Was very silly this morning. We though “we’ll just pop down to Wal-Mart and get a couple of things on the way to doing all the other stuff we have to do today”. Nonononononoono. Never go anywhere that could be seen as “shopping” on boxing day. It was ok in the store until the point

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