Cliff Falls Photo Trip

Somehow I lived in Maple Ridge my entire adolescent life and I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been to Cliff Falls. I know it was a place that friends from high school went to to drink at, and I’m pretty sure at some point I heard about someone dying there, but somehow I never ended up going there myself.

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Aurora Borealis

A few weeks ago the aurora borealis was visible up in the northern hemisphere a lot lower than normal, so it was actually visible around the Fraser Valley. Of course I had no idea, even when I was browsing around Facebook and Twitter and kept on seeing people posting photos, but for some reason I

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Coffee warmer with a mug of tea on it and an angry octopus plushie in the background

New Tea Warmer

So this showed up a few days ago, curtesy of a dear friend of my lovely wife’s, who heard me mention that it sucks when I deal with my tea going cold when I forget about it. Re-heating in the microwave sucks because it’s going from hot to cold and back to hot again, which messes with the flavour.

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Recent Media

Of course it’s been something like a year since I said “oh I’m totally going to post again” so I need to care less about things and actually just do it. To that ilk, here’s some recent media I’ve been consuming lately. Book – Dungeon Crawler Carl I don’t remember where I heard about Dungeon

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Image of the Squamish Chief taken through the front window of a car on the road

Squamish makes Me Sad

Few things make me feel as sad and frustrated as driving through Squamish.  The Chief there in it’s glory, and if you look at the right place at the right time seeing it dotted with tiny climbers.  Remembering what it was like to come up here every single weekend.  Young, bronzed, able to take on

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Saying Goodbye to my Drobo

Today, after many long years of faithful service, I decommissioned my Drobo and removed it from my workflow. The company is disappearing and it’s not working properly with the latest macOS. It sucks, because this was something that, when it first was announced, was unbelievably cool, but it seems like its time is over now.

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Screenshot of the proxmox main screen

New Job, new Tech

One of the things with my new job is that I’m getting exposed to a lot of new tech that’s pretty interesting. I’m also finding that not doing a huge amount of new tech stuff for the last 10 years or so has gotten me really behind in terms of what is out there. Some

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