PodRunner Rocks!

I blogged about DJ SteveBoy and his PodRunner podcasts (xml) a bit ago…. well I loaded up my little mp3 player last night and headed to the gym. Well, they definately work. I have to say they work! I didn’t have a long run (only 15 min warmup to get ready for some weights), but […]

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Golden Oldie Text Files

Wow, now I remember why I archive things forever! I ended up re-discovering the “txt” directory on my computer. This has been there for as long as I remember… in fact, it started out as “D:\txt” back in the days when I had a whole 100 megabytes of storage and I split it into 2x50mb

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Dear Motion Picture Industry

Dear Motion Picture Industry. Thank you. Thank you for putting me on the path to the rightous, legal citizen. Thank you for showing me the light. Let me explain… The other night I went to see your excellent movie XMen 3 – The Last Stand. After getting to the theatre 30 minutes early, playing $13.00

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Aperture on the New iBook

Well, Darren looks like he’s getting himself a little macbook (the bastard) and that’s something I’ve been looking at / lusting over since they were announced. I was even thinking of persuading ScoobyD to sell me her old G3 iBook until the intel versions were announced with twice the speed (or whatever). One of the

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A Podcast For Runners

Here’s something neat for all my friends who run and have mp3 players. DJ Steveboy – Mixes is a podcast of songs for running to. Each one has a BPM rating and is basically a mix of electric beats that while I haven’t personally run to them yet, sound pretty funky-cool. It’s definately a neat

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New Pentax Digital SLRs

Just saw a couple of items come in on DPreview… Pentax has announced two new Digital SLRs, the Pentax K100D and K110D. Highlights include: Big ass 2.5″ LCD with a “wide view” design which allows you to view the viewfinder at up to 140 degrees vertically and horizontally. Cool, how does it work in daylight

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Survived the First Week of Work

Yup, still standing after four or five days of the new schedule. I was tossed around a bit, starting at different times and also spending a day out in chilliwack. Other than the big adjustment in getting up time (and my lack of ability to actually go to bed before midnight), things are going great.

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First Day of Work

First day of work complete. I have to admit, getting up at quarter to 6 was a bit of a shock to the system, I have a feeling mostly because I had those first-day jitters, and didn’t actually even let the alarm go off because I slept so poorly the night before. Shouldn’t have, I

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