Third Interview’s the Charm?

I’m just about to head into North Vancouver for my third “interview”. This time it’s lunch with the rest of the team that I would be working with, to make sure that we all “click”. I’m looking forward to this, as if the rest of the team are similar to the people I’ve met already, […]

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Dead Monitor (1 down, 2 to go)

Ever notice how just when you think you’re getting ahead and are going to pull ahead of the nasties/bad luck/etc fate steps in and goes “Worse” (old joke from a Bill Cosby comedy routine). So Firefly is in the middle of playing UO or some such thing and boom, monitor flickers and goes black. I

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Bellingham Linux Fest 2006

Myself, Wim, Dana, T&C went down this year for the annual Linux Fest Northwest held at Bellingham at the technical college. We started out with five people stuffed in a not bad car for 4, but it was only a 30 minute drive down, so it wasn’t all that bad. The first presentation we all

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More Movable Type Themes

So I discovered StyleCatcher, which is a nice and easy way to put in new themes for your blog (as long as the underlying code hasn’t been too radically changed. Only problem is that the default page they give you are pretty slim pickings. Anyway, I found that if you throw the URL for the

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Database all Fixed Up

OK, I think I have this thing fixed. The database curruption wasn’t that bad, I had to basically dump all the entries from this blog, create a complete new Movable Type install and a new database to go with it, import the entries into it, then reset my original install to point to the new

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Waking Up On Time

An interesting read on How to Get Up Right Away When Your Alarm Goes Off. I really need this, my routine while unemployed has gotten really bad. I’m sleeping the same amount I think, just my sleep cycle has shifted from 10pm-7am to 12am or 1am to 9am or 10am. That said, I’m posting this

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Pardon The Wonkyness

I discovered that under gentoo that Apache2 + mod_perl = memory leak. Somewhere in all the crunching as my machine ground away on 0 bytes of memory some databases got currupted, so right now I’m working on getting the templates for my blog back up and going. Pardon any wonkyness you find here. I also

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Dear Javascript Gurus out There…

I have a bit of code that is using the excellent free XUpload progress bar. I’ve modified it a bit for my current project, and am having some performance issues due to some javascript I added. What happens is the main <FORM> tag has an onSubmit() action of calling a StartUpload() function. I’ve added code

Dear Javascript Gurus out There… Read Post »

Ripping out the Back Yard

No, not a nasty sexy euphemism, we started some work in the back of the house in preparation for a mini-machine that Firefly will be getting in. A friend of ours who is a landscaper came by and basically wandered through the yard saying “that’s gone, gone, out of there, get that stuff out, gone,

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