A New Start To The Blog

The last real post that I made here was in 2015, so this has been a long time coming. In the past four years or so I’ve diversified my online personal sharing onto other platforms like facebook and instagram, and the blog has fallen by the wayside. Lately I’ve become a bit disallused with with

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Comments Turned Off

Sorry but I’m sick of deleting 30 comments a day from some Chinese guy trying to spam about headphones or some crap like that, and considering I don’t get enough actual comments (or traffic that isn’t spam) to worry about it, you know you can just send me an email or something. Bah, stupid internet.

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Turned off Commenting

Turned off comments on the blog here cause the last few weeks has been nothing but spam crap through them, the generic “you write an awesome blog” type stuff with a URL for viagra or watch repair or whatever BS they’re selling. Just got tired of clicking the ‘report as spam’ button every half hour.

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New Location

In addition to some hardware juggling, I’m finally moving my blog off of my cable modem connection and onto the server. If this is up and you’re seeing it, then that means it’s all over and done and DNS is updated and I haven’t blown it all up 🙂

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Some Blog Cleanup

Few things new and changed here. If you read the actual page instead of the RSS feed you’ll see a lovely grey theme (unless I change it again) picked as it’s mildly pleasant and not too annoying. Note that if anyone out there wants to fix me up with something better I’m open to that

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Comments Now Fixed

Apparntly for the last few months comments on this site have been broken… no notifications came to me, and I had to really poke and prod the server to get it to show the comments that are there! Stupid MT 🙁 It also looks like something with the new MT has made the ‘continue reading’

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Adventures with WordPress

I set up a blog for Iambe and decided to play a bit with the WordPress blogging engine and thought it was pretty slick compared to Movable Type and started looking at using it for this Blog. The install of the latest version, WordPress 2.1 was super-easy, unzip, put in the database login information, go

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Upgraded Movable Type

Upgraded to MovableType 3.3 (finally). Seems to work quite nicely, and the upgrade routine was pretty easy, other than a minor PITA with a static files directory setting having to be changed (the directory with all the javascript libraries and such, causing the admin interface to basically not work). Notable improvements are lots of little

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