

The last post here was 8 months ago. Before that it was 2 years. Back in the day I used to love writing a blog. Back then it was me writing for a specific group of people (probably in reality it was much smaller than I imagined). Sharing geeky stuff, writing up complex thoughts that […]

Resurrection Read Post »

More Masai Mara Photography

I’m going to condense the second two days of the safari trip on the Masai Mara into one post. The non-safari parts weren’t super memorable or important. The food was “meh” the accommodations were “adequate,” and the safari was “amazing”. So yea, here’s a quick story from those two days.

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Masai Mara Photography

So this is a bit of a story about the first day that we were on in the Masai Mara in Kenya, from pickup to the drive to (most importantly), the animals and photography. It is going to be more of a photos only post, but I’ll try to add a bit of context in

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Malls & Pool In Nairobi

Today was a relaxing / resetting day. I woke up at 3am and was perfectly awake. My body currently has no idea what day, time, or week it is. I’m hoping to take my boss’s philosophy of simply telling your body that it’s whatever time it is where you are, but I’m not sure. I

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Day 1 – Vancouver To London

Day one of my Vacation to Kenya consisted of nothing but travel. We had some fun with our flights being changed out from under us, but other than that, uneventful. Planes these days even have power and USB chargers, so it was nice to not have to worry about running out of juice for phones,

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New Year, New Eyes

Being that this blog seems to be only ever used for big life events, I figure this is probably worth it.  After  years and years of thinking about it, talking about it, going for consultations, and saying over and over how I couldn’t afford it, I finally got laser eye surgery on Dec 22, 2014. As

New Year, New Eyes Read Post »

A Summary of 2013

A quick summary of 2013 on this sadly unused blog (most everything is now over at I’ve been taking a picture a day of myself with the Everyday iPhone app and thought this would be good. January 1, 2013: December 31, 2013: Apparently over the year I turned from a vaguely respectable person into a

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First Snow 2012

Not sure yet if it’s an indication of the upcoming end of the world this friday, but it is snow in the Fraser Valley. Had the option of a snow day from work yesterday, but succumbed to the lure of a fancy coffee for those who weren’t wimps.  Of course it’s the Fraser Valley so the snow

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