
My Labor Day

This is the day I planned for my Labor Day holiday: Sometime after 10:00am – Wake up 10:30am – Eggs and Bacon or something similarly nummy for breakfast 11:00am – Do random household work, garbage, dishes, whatever is required to keep the health inspectors away from the door 12:00pm – Do random computer stuff… fix […]

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Weekend Wrapup

This weekend wasn’t all that bad. Saturday I was stolen away by Iambe and we hit Chapters in Langely where I picked up two National Geographic photography books, How to be a Canadian and Shadow of the Hegemon. Gads books add up fast. Course, the thing I went there looking for, a book on Python

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Todo List

My todo list from last night, and what I actually got done. Laundry Clean Car Windows Dash Garbage Paperwork Receipts Pay Bills Reconcile Record Pay Email monthlys to SEP Clean kitchen floor Work on ASP project Dinner Read flash manual Backup naked

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Wooden Boat Festival

Headed down to the wooden boat festival with a visiting Epona who was down for a few days. It was pretty neat, with many pictures taken. Have to wait for them to be developed though. Firefly got a couple of good ones of the half scale Viking Longship and it’s occupants.

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The Warren War, 2003

This weekend was, for me and my normal schedule, busy, socially at least. Saturday Firefly, Cat5 and myself headed down to across the border to Ferndale. The border was pretty busy, and we still had a bit of a wait even with sneaking down to 0 Ave and cheating. We arrived a bit later than

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Body Alarm Clock Timing

Unlike the Rex alarm clock, my body has now decided that 4:22am is a good time to wake me up and inform me that I drank too much water the night before, and therefor have to go to the bathroom. This is a good thing, because for the last week or so it’s been around

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Strange People

Strange People at Work When I went up into the break room at work yesterday there was a petition sitting on the table there, with a page of signatures, which basically said that the recent legislation to allow gay marriages would lead to the moral decay of the country, and was petitioning the government to

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The Trip to the Seagirt SCA Event

Saturday started extremely early. 4:35am. It was supposed to start at 4:30, but my alarm clock didn’t go off. Or maybe it did and I just hit snooze and immediately fell back asleep for the five minutes until Fireflys alarm went off. Read more for details of the camping trip myself, Firefly and Cat5 took

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We have the technology to mine the planet, repair and regrow human body parts, harness the power of the computer to search for alien life, decode the human genome, and create great works of art and beauty. But no one has succeeded in creating a bottomless mocha.

“Morning” Read Post »