
Corny Update

Took corny to the vet yesterday to have his drain removed. It was pretty gross to see someone remove a six inch rubber tube from inside my cat! Still, this means that there’s one less thing for him to chew at / lick at so he’s that much closer to having his cone off all […]

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Puppy Invasion!

Well, she did it that crafty girl, showed up home this evening with 8 rottweiler doberman puppies, a grow heat lamp, and bottles of forumla. Extremely cute of course. After dinner we bottle fed them, which was interesting to say the least. Some were thrilled, some less thrilled, and some couldn’t care less and just

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Self Portrait…. Kinda

After watching, with numb brain and horrified fascination, the train wreck that is The Swan I was happy to find a not horrible image of Patches I took today through the window after getting some pictures of the window boxes that A put out a couple of weeks ago. The rest are of my youngest

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The Rex Report

Finally, finally got around to getting Rex to the vet for a follow up on the surgery he had late last year on his eye and ear. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while, but it seems that lately every day something is happening, or by the time I get home, have dinner,

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Finding the Other Half

Some things are only blindingly obvious when they are pointed out by someone else. After we got home tonight from a wonderful indian food dinner (mmmmmm…. naaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnn……………… yummy!) Firefly asked if I had noticed that Patches had learned to open up the medicine cabinet in the bathroom (your typical bathroom cabinet, wood, mirrored front, three

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Zoon Pictures

I’ve been posting far too many pictures of some cats, and not enough of others. Tonight Firefly drew my attention to the fact that Zoon (or “the grey one”) was posing nicely in the bathtub for her picture to be taken. I took a few and below is one of the better ones of the

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Cat Rule #1,238

Apparently a cat will come up and cuddle and purr and sit on your lap and love you like you were the greatest person on earth only after you need your lap for say, a laptop.

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Rex is a Happy Cat

For some reason tonight Rex is the happiest cat in the world. Lying next to me, purring, grabbing my hand and demanding to lick it, to lick my nose, to be petted, flopping down beside me (on the keyboard), purring, purring purring, playing with Patches (new kitten), making odd happy (I’m guessing) mewing noises…. We

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Happy Rex Part 2

I’m not so sure this morning that I like this overly happy cat. He woke me up at 5:30 or 6:00 (much earlier than the 7am I get up, especially when I was up till almost 1) demanding attention. Not for food or water, but just to sit on me, or lie beside me and

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