

I’d like to rename my kitten. I think a more appropriate name would be something along the lines of “Psycho kitten, destroyer of sleep”. Actually, PSYCHO KITTEN, DESTROYER OF SLEEP might be more appropriate. The night before last she decided at 1:25 (just after I got to bed after some late night hacking) that she […]

Zoon Read Post »


The two cats seem to be getting along well. There was some hissing and chasing to begin with, but now they touch noses, Corny fights/plays back, and Rex is quite comfy sleeping in the chair, the couch or the other chair or even the floor. I think he is just really really happy to have

06/29/99 Read Post »


My kitten made it’s first transgression from angel to demon spawn this morning. 5 minutes before I’m about to leave and I notice him on the window sill, looking out off the window beside my bonsai, and looking cute. I think to myself, isn’t that cute, and I don’t have any film for the camera

9/11/97 Read Post »


Went climbing yesturday up at Sumas (a tiny crag near us). Darren, Trevor (pali), and I went. Unfortunaly, when I say small, I mean small… probably only 4 or 6 climbs (two of which I helped put up thankyouverymuch). We did 3 of them, then it was heading towards darkness and the mosquitoes were out

7/30/97 Read Post »