
Surfing Moon

When I scanned the spidey pics below I also scanned the best shot I had from that film of the moon, as promised. I did some dust removal in MS Picture It!, and then ran through the “quick fix” gauntlet in Adobe Elements, and the colors have a bit more pop than they might have […]

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Cat on Computer

Playing around with some stuff I read in one book, magazine, website or another and got a nice one of patches on top of the computer, in an almost pitch black room. Only light was from the hall behind me and the nifty fan in the computer. Done with my Canon A70 at F2.8 for

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Photographic Resource Sites

Ok, on a kick today. Some sites to check out. – camera and lense reviews, techniques, information, and other random stuff (such as jpeg vs jpeg2000 vs tiff, or the differences between sensor dimensions in digital cameras) are there as well. – lots of camera reviews (always good to get different opinions on

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Weekend Pictures

Yet another example of why I need to set up a proper photo blog… Here are some shots I took over the weekend so far, cats, lan party, spiderman, and such randomness. I’ve been trying to experiment with cropping and the positioning of the subject in the frame to try to create a sense of

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Vancouver Camera Stores

In searching for places to compare prices between I find this excellent review of Vancouver camera stores and photo labs. Definately a list that I’ll be making use of soon. from his time as a freelance news photographer. He particularly likes to regale listeners with how

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Really Wanting Toys

After last nights picture taking and spending time this weekend with friends who have a Canon Digital Rebel, I’m really jonesing for a digital SLR. I haven’t had the Pentax out much because, while I love it, the ease of digital is just too strong to deny for the every day type of picture taking

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Taking Pictures of the Moon

Last night there was a huge clear full moon, and when I saw this (around 11pm) I of course stopped playing UT2k4, grabbed my cameras, and headed outside. First of all, I really need a proper tripod. Putting a camera on the BBQ, and positioning little bits of wood or random stuff from the porch

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It’s all in the ISO

Went over on Friday to hang out with Kelora and Whitenight, which was fun. Played around with their Canon Digital Rebel. It was nice to actually play with it in a non-store situation, cause I didn’t feel guilty for handing it, or have a salesdroid hanging over me making sure I didn’t drop it or

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