
CNN Sucks

I guess that’s obvious by this point, but…. I made a snarky comment on a image of the day discussion thread a bit ago about how it’s really stupid to trust news sources like CNN. I head there today and see the following on the front page as the second bullet point on their front

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CNN Hypocrisy

Derek has got it right (IMHO) with his determination about CNN and how it is The New Watered Down Reality TV Show 24×7. Absolutely right, their constant stream of “experts” and what not is annoying and stupid. Kieran had a bit on CNN getting a dose of itself. It’s all BS and propaganda, and hopefully

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Moore at the Oscars

Well I missed most of the Oscars last night. I tuned in for about 18 seconds total, the first time to see a bunch of old wrinkly actors being shown in front of the camera, and the second to catch the presentation of the best picture, and only saw enough of it to see that

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On the US and France

I thought I linked this somewhere else, but I can’t find it. Lying Media Bastards has a good commentary and review of the whole US vs France situation, and the generalities therein. This pretty much sums it up for me: < p class=”quote”> “We Americans are told from the day that we’re born that America

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Some Gems from the Bush Speech

The Bush speech just yearned for a good dose of MST2k. Me, Jim and Spencer were sitting around listening to it after work and every once and a while we’d stifle a snort of laughter about something that Bush said. Here are some of my favorites: “Do not destroy the oil wells” — for heavens

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