Random Stuff

Sometimes I Really Get Around

You know what’s really weird? Looking for a solution to a problem and finding a page pretty much exactly suited to what you’re doing. Then after going through it realizing that you were the one who originally wrote this and submitted it years ago as a helpful snippet of code…

Sometimes I Really Get Around Read Post »

Snow? In April??

Did I just get teleported to Edmonton or something? It’s snowing outside. SNOW! It was a bit nippy walking back to my car from work today, and I did think “gosh, it almost feels like winter again”, but never seriously thought that it was winter! Sorry for the sucky picture, but this was just a

Snow? In April?? Read Post »

Dreaming About Microsoft

I had a seriously messed up dream last night. I was at the microsoft campus, and for some reason was being shown an unreleased version of visual studio (2005 maybe?). Robert Scoble was there as was another lady who was a programmer and was showing me things in the system. At one point I saw

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How’d you like to find out that your computer class wouold be done on all new hardware, and that it was something sexy like this? I couldn’t wait either 🙂

Lucky! Read Post »

More Legos

A friend of my from ex-work sent me a link to his friend Eric and his LEGO pages. Seems the guy quit his job as a Java programmer at Sun to build lego. Makes me want to buy more lego, and get my lego from my parents place so I can make my own Tux!

More Legos Read Post »

Weather Update

Well, the snow and freezing rain have stopped and given way to rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, and some rain. It was coming down hard this morning and has been like that ever since. The news tonight was full of floods caused by rain on top of frozen ground, ditches going

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Playing with Gallery2

Scoobyd mentioned she was playing around with Gallery2, which I didn’t even know existed. Gallery1 is a pretty decent way of having a photo album on your site, but isn’t really geared towards Photoblogs, but more random images, or images submitted by people (and it look(ed|s) like it might be growing into a monstrosity like

Playing with Gallery2 Read Post »