Random Stuff

Crazy Climbing Russian Guy

Not as cute as the previously posted kitten, this video of a Russian climbing is nuts. The guy is ripped, strong, agile like Jackie Chan, and pretty nuts. Urban bouldering at it’s best. Most impressive. Via Darren Barefoot. This is actually called Parkour, which is basically the art of running and jumping over and around

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More Snow

More snow last night, and this morning the street was basically a skating rink. Took me about 5 tries to get out of the driveway, just working up the speed and momentum to get up the hill from the bottom to get up to the street. This of course avoiding any of the kiddies walking

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First Snow of 2005

First Snow of 2005 Originally uploaded by abailward. Last night I was told by a couple of people that we were getting snow… since my spidey senses didn’t detect incoming snow, I scoffed. However, come the evening, lo and behold a few dots of white were falling. Not more than a sprinkling, hardly enough to

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This post is for Firefly, a pointer to this cute picture (with a subtle commentary on interracial dating as well, but mostly cuteness). Here’s the link where I originally got the image (a discussion on fark.com on interracial dating). Did I say it made sense? 😛

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Google RSS Reader

Well, Google‘s gone and done it again with a web-based RSS News Aggregator. Simple and easy, sexy and fast. Just when I was going to check out something like Bloglines or Feedlounge (not open to the public yet though). The Google reader will get a full workout from me in the next couple of days,

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Where Did Steve Fonyo Go?

A link for my buddy Brad, who was wondering the other day Whatever Happened To… Steve Fonyo. Sounds like he’s on a bit of a roller coaster, though he lives just down the road from me (well, figuratively speaking…. more like just down the road from Dana).

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