Author name: Arcterex

Joanna Rees Photography

Just a random shout out to Joanna Rees and her photography, who is an old classmate from high school who I (re-)discovered through Facebook. Joanna and I weren’t in the same circles back then, however same as what happened to another old friend of mine, Jason, she’s into photography. This is now another person that

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Hooked on The Sopranos

I borrowed 5 seaons of The Sopranos from my uncle in law last week and let them sit for a while, until I was sick with a cold last week before finally putting the first disk in, just to check it out. Damn, what a great show! It certainly helped that I saw Goodfellas for

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A Day of Firsts

A day of firsts for me, though none of them really hugely exciting 🙂 First time finding one of my old jobs (from the graphics place where I had the MacBook) on a job search site. I’m sure other jobs of mine may have ended up on places like that, but I’ve never actually found

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Linux Northwest 2007 Wrapup

Long time no blog. Feeling a bit down lately, busyness, stress, life, work etc all sucking, so I’ve been pretty quiet. A nice change from that was Saturday myself, Dana, Wim and Tammie and Clayten went down to Linuxfest Northwest, the yearly geek fest down in Bellingham. Definitely not a place for non-geeks though… there

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