
A Great Day

Yesterday was, for all intents and purposes, a great day. Aside from that minor incident with the alarm clock, all went well. In the afternoon everyone left here for a funeral (that’s not part of the great day though) and I got a lot of good work done here. I’m not sure if it was […]

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Fending for Myself

Well, Firefly is off to visit a friend in Edmonton so I’m here fending for myself. I think I will survive, though I’m not sure right now. The big concern is getting to bed on time. I have no one to tell me when to stop playing computer games at 10 or 11 or 12

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Surviving Wet Coast

Instructions for living on the on the wet west coast. When leaving in the morning check the weather outside the window before leaving the apartment. Take a hat. Take a jacket. When getting gas, park far enough under the covered area that wind will not blow rain on you while filling your car. Get your

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Mmmm…… Cookies

Came home last night to a house smelling of freshly baked cookies. Yummy, yummy, yummy…. Firefly rocks. Course, this will mean doubletime at the gym, but that’s a price I’m willing to pay. Arnold won the election recall whatchamacallit in California. Yawn Anyone really think that he’ll be any different than the rest of the

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New Toys and House Cleanup

Went out with Yohimbe and WebDiva for breakfast this morning, saw their new house, which made me very jelous, especially with their computer room setup. Yummy. Yohimbe pointed me out to a couple of deals on tools, and I was impressed with their cable collector domahickey. After enjoying the new house smell/look and having fun

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On Youth and Violence

Running at the gym after work I got the pleasure to see something on some random news hour from a US station. In it they featured some Society Against Violence (or something like that) who banded together with police to alert people about the dangers of ….. Video Games. They had some poster child for

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My God, It’s Full of Couches

FireflyBro came over tonight with the new couch and loveseat we bought (but haven’t paid for) from FireflyUncle a few weeks ago. Of course, we still have the old ones, so our living room is how you say, “full”. Two couches and two loveseats make a cosy room. The cats have been told to not

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