
Something Witty Here

Well, the RAID repair from yesterday went well, all disks enabled and functioning. Yay! Got a hold of the guy in charge of the ASP project last night as well and got some direction on things, and discovered some more nifty things about ASP (well, not nifty as in new, but nifty as in “oh, […]

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Stupid Things Said On TV

“It is the largest crane in the western hemisphere because of it’s actual size…” – No shit! “Chariot racing is as dangerous today as it was two thousand years ago.” – is cutting someone’s head off as dangerous today as well?

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Still More Tech Stuff

Caution: Technobabble ahead. Somewhere along the way I lost a disk in my RAID array on ufies. In theory, it’s running RAID-5 (which is defined as striping with distributed parity) with 4 disks, so you have three disks in the RAID array, and one spare. Seems all fine and dandy doesn’t it? And everything on

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Chest Sucking Death

This morning was good as well for working out. As per K’s suggestion, I mixed it up a bit with the type of workout, and after 30 minutes of running jumped on the stairmaster for another 15. Oh my. It was good, I haven’t felt that sort of ‘oh-lord-I-want-to-puke-and-die’ feeling for a while. Oh sure,

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So much for that idea

Well, so much for an inspiring day of work. Most of the morning was spent screwing around with my Jabber server, which since my major debian unstable upgrade a while back on ufies had been busted. I finally tracked it down to the AIM transport which also provides ICQ access for the server. No amount

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Of Robert Burns

Finally I have proof that the cats are trying to kill me! Last night, under the guise of playing around with the keys and wallets in the front hall, one of the evil little agents placed my Canada pin (without the little back part) that is normally on my jacked (except that I lost the

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Compile, Compile, Compile…

Well I am lucky enough to be a slut for free hardware, and was the happy recipiant of yet another small score of computer bits last night. The biggie was an Alpha, which sits in the corner now, and acts as another seat in the office. The most immediately useful was a nifty little motherboard/cpu

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Why is My Water So Much Better?

Just got back from Cat5’s place where I watched the extended version of Lord of the Rings. The extra footage was put in seamlessly and really helps to enhance the story that was put out originally. However, these extras also turn the movie into almost three and a half hours, so I understand why the

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Tech Stuff

Did some benchmarking on the UFies.org box (see the system specs here) to see if the nice 18G Seagate Cheetah drive, with an 8meg cache, compares to 4 Maxtor 40G drives in a RAID5 configuration, each with a pretty decent speed itself? Does SCSI win? Whose drive reigns supreme? Sorry, slipped into Iron Chef mode

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