
Look at These Pipes!

Well, I had my first dedicated leg workout tonight (well, second counting the one I did with K in Edmonton a few months back). For this, I did the following: Run at 6.3mph for 20 minutes, every two minutes sprint at 8 mph for 20 seconds. Break, stretch. Squats Set 1: 10 @ 180lbs Set […]

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What I did today

Laundry and garbage, ah the glamour. Called the municipality about the already dangerous blind corner that now has a house and fence on it, giving a driver about four seconds between seeing a car rounding the bend for the first time and being hit. Dealt with a non-issue for one of my contracts… ie: “please

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Well, I wish I could write something more elequant, but apparently my little kitten has gone into heat for the first time. As she’s an indoor cat, living with two neutered male cats we haven’t bothered to spay her (yet). Came home after dinner at the folks to a very talkative kitten, far more so

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Lazy Daze

Well, aside from some more messed up dreams last night, not much happened today. Hung out a bit with Dragon, hit the FS in Abby to see if the cheap $89 DVD player would play the SVCD he had, annoyed the salespeople by not buying anything. Were invited to an office party for the guy

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Life Update

Before the main event, a quick update in life to keep people up to date. Firefly threw me a job posting for a programmer in Abbotsford the other day. I went to it, said “that sounds boring”, and then went to the site’s main search and did a search for “programmer” in BC. I ended

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Too Early

The alarm didn’t go off as planned (or I turned it off in my sleep) so I was woken up from a trippy dream at 7:10am by my palm pilot beeping and telling me I had 20 minutes to go before the Networking Breakfast. So much for showering and shaving, or feeling alive. The breakfast

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Lazy Days

Lazy day today, not much happening. I may or may not have left the house today, I don’t remember. Oh wait, yes, I hit the gym this afternoon, it’s all coming back to me now! For the rest of the day however, I was pretty lazy. Diddled with computer stuff a bit, watched TV a

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Of TV and Travel On Horseback

Had an impromptu riding lesson today at the barn. Sandy got me up on Clyde again and I learnt all sorts of intersting things, and got to trot (not on my own though). This was an interesting experience, as you basically are trying to keep centered on a large animal while having your butt being

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