
Shaw Loves Me!

First of all, for all those Trading Spaces fans out there, I came across the the truth about the show in an article on salon. Interesting stuff. Today I met with Bev from Community Futures to talk about business names. As I said before, no one can spell or pronounce “Arcterex”, so having a company […]

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How To Have An Affair

Disclaimer: Ever notice how strange random thoughts appear, and even though they are really really wrong, they’re still good? Firefly came up with the first idea, in a round about way, which is to pretend to become a health nut to hide an affair. What better excuse for when you come home all sweaty and

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Computer Wish List

Been looking through the Atic site and have come up with a list of things I’d like to get for my wee little boxen someday. Some are pie in the sky, some are almost realistic. All are impractical. CPU In the realistic forum, we have a Duron 1.3ghz for a mere $60. Not bad eh?

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What I Learnded This Week

While I don’t want to divulge all the secrets that I learned this week in the SEP classes, I will share some insights on things that made me go “wow” in the next couple of days. These will include time management and goal setting and keeping. First thing that really made me take a second

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Doing The “Right Thing”

Sometimes, doing the right thing is, well, the right thing to do. Other times when the Wrong Thing is done when trying to do the Right Thing, then the Right Thing is clearly and deeply Wrong. Confused? I thought so. I will now use a clever real life example to show how Microsoft yet again

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Losing Your Rhythm

Ever have one of those days (mornings) where you totally lose your rhythm? I’ve been out of work so long, or at least of out the sort of work that makes you get up in the morning on someone elses terms, that I have forgotten how to do it. I woke up and thought to

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No rain is good rain

Today is the first day of “school” for the Self Employment Program, so I am getting up early not of my own accord, and not because of the gym, or wanting to. Threw up a couple of wierd dreams that I had last night and the night before. Not much time for anything else.

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I’m old now

Well, I guess technically I have until 5:30pm PST, but still, it’s past midnight, so I’m on the right date now. Not surprisingly, I don’t feel that different. Had some people over. I was a bit worried, as it seemed like most who I invited either had other things, couldn’t or whatever, but while it

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