September 2004

Offline Soon

This site will be going offline sometime wednesday or thursday as either Shaw cuts my connection to move it to the new place or I move all my computers. Should be back up in a couple of days max though, and the DNS should be less of a PITA this time. Just an FYI.

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Got an offer which, while the way they do money is less straightforward than previous, still works out well I think. I haven’t officially accepted yet, but I will be. In fact, I’m going to be going to a meeting there in a couple of hours as it’ll be pertenant to my new job, even

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Grinding Fun

One of the things that is on the list of stuff to fix at the house was correcting the big bump in the floor. This involved FireflyBro bashing out supporting beams, hoping the house didn’t fall down, cutting or shaving as needed, and putting the beams back in. Got a couple of good shots of

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Even More Good News

Getting together for lunch with the folks from the company I applied with on Monday for them to present me with an offer. Whohooo! Unless their offer is somehow horrible (which I doubt), I see no reason not to accept. Just hope nothing falls through at the end. The only thing is that I’ll probably

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Some Better News

Still no job news, but I have my insider looking out for me in that area, and hear that they are interviewing another person (who hopefully isn’t nearly as good as I am), and hopefully will hear something by… the end of today? Monday? Fingers crossed. Some good news is that the police called yesterday

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Odd Windows Problems

For the last few days I’ve had some really odd windows problems. Not sure if they are related to XP Service Pack 2, but I haven’t done a huge amount of installing or modifying of the system since I installed XPSP2. Basically the system is fine until I leave it overnight, and then when I

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Good Project Management Books?

My (possible) new job will involve some or lots of project management, and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for good books on project management or the tools like MS Project. Amazon can only give me so much info, I tend to trust people’s suggestions more. Besides, a search for “project management” gives

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Wrap-Up for Today, Good(er) News

Few quick points about my day today. Second interview went well, many nice things said, now it’s just a waiting game for something to come through. Fingers crossed, but I have high hopes! Tools are still gone, but a call from the Constable that is dealing with the B&E called and got the list of

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Who is Your Superhero?

Darren asks who is our superhero? Howard Stern? The number of hot girls he gets to undress for him and the dirt that he can convince people to tell him (and his millions of listeners) makes me wonder if he has super powers of some sort…. That guy from Unbreakable? He was a pretty cool

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In Which I am Unemployed

In addition to my other lovely news, as most people know who read this, I’m unemployed. At the beginning of the month on my way out to lunch at work I was pulled aside and told that I was laid off. My job description suddenly changed underneath me. I was…. “surprised” to say the least,

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