Author name: Arcterex

An orgy of gibbage…

Well, even though K says that dude from the gym was on crack as far as slower being better than faster, I went out the other day for a 40 minute fast walk or so. It felt good, but not painful, which is good. I’m going to go a few more times regardless, just to

An orgy of gibbage… Read Post »

Here fishy fishy fishy!

More things today. Saw cadiolas’ presentation for his 440 project at the school, a java installer called BIAS which was quite cool. Good job! I hit this on the way out to the Burnaby PD to see Cat, who works there as a computer guy, who introduced me around to some of the members, as

Here fishy fishy fishy! Read Post »


Trippy trippy dreams, recorded right after I woke up, just… for…. you! This one is a bit of a two parter. First part is that I was moving. Moving from one house to the next with my parents and sister (I don’t have a sister). I remember at least three times when I had to

Eeeeeeek! Read Post »

Don’t Speed Up!

Wow, had a gooood dream last night. Trippy and committable that is anyway. I don’t know how it started out, but myself, Foz, and Engel were driving back from somewhere in Foz’s car. He was driving, and his attention drifted for a second or two and the car went onto the shoulder, hitting a young

Don’t Speed Up! Read Post »

Today, apparently, is Saturday

Ok, many things to tell… but first, a couple of dreams. The first was from last night: Firefly and I went to someone’s house…. it was in the woods, off a side road, and the driveway went through fairly dense trees. The driveway was the kind that loops around in a semi-circle, with an in

Today, apparently, is Saturday Read Post »