“There are worse things than a broken heart. Like the love you don’t explore.”
Sadly an unproductive weekend. Saturday Tig got his new car, a snazzy little white civic. Good thing too, in the carpool stance of things he owes us about a year of driving 🙂 Today we did a washing ritual in the boiling sun… boiling literally as water, soap, armour-all, etc all fried right off the
If I didn’t care about my job I’d have told her quite plainly “ma’m, you are indeed to stupid to own or operate a computer, please die.” Sadly, I’d rather not get fired. However, the next time someone tells you “You must log into windows with the same username and password on this computer as
Argh. Deadlines. They suck and are best avoided at all costs. Flaming rum however, is quite nice and should be tried. Of course, as I was not the inventor of, nor bringer to my collective, I have no right in doing anything but saying it rocked and the third of mickey of rum or so
Yes, it’s funky dream time again….. I was at my old high school. There was an election going on, but not so much an election, but something that where you voted, and lets say you voted Vancouver, or Gander, or the edge of your town, and you’d appear there. Pretty cool huh? My boss (oh
Workout Arcterstatus: Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! I did not want to run this morning. I even said I was too tired and reset my alarm for a half hour later. However, good sense (and a whining cat) prevailed. … when I heard the ambulance siren go this morning I thought to myself… “how did they
Workout Arcterstatus: Today I didn’t do so much hacking and did more weights. Not totally satisfying, but not terrible either. Increased the time I could hold 2 10lb weights horizontally out from my shoulders from 35 seconds to 40 (though I’m not sure if that’s me increasing in strenght or just “finding my weight”. shrug.
So this morning I took a break. I was up late last night playing with my new toy (no, it doesn’t work properly, so dont’ bother) and figured that I needed the extra half hour of sleep. So basically since 8 this morning (actually before that) nothing has gone right. Now I find that ufies.org
Workout Arcterstatus: Wet. Icky. But done. Just a note…. if you have an everything of your own, don’t delete the user “Default User”. This little guy is used for allowing someone who isn’t logged in access to the system. You’ll note that mine has reverted to a default install (if you’re viewing this before I
Workout Arcterstatus: Not bad. Getting up was a little more painful and the workout itself was only 2 different excersises, but hey, it’s something. Soon I’ll look like Arnold, I swear. I did some work using Everything last night too. Check out this link for the results. Still some work to do security wise, and