Office Changes

A week or so ago I read this article on how to “relaxify” your workspace. Some good ideas in there, but as I read the article I realized that putting a fountain or plant in my office would do nothing, and would get lost very quickly. In fact, I think there is a fountain around

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So my 9 year old tabby cat is feeling much better, far more himself. No more conehead either, which makes him seem way less pathetic as well 🙂 Here’s a pic of him today with his side all shaved. Stitches are coming out tomorrow I think, Firefly took a few of them out already, and

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An Odd Feeling of Relief….

So I think that the latest (and last) contract project I’ve been working for is closing in on a finish. All features are there and work, and most of the things in the original spec are done, along with a bunch of stuff not in the original spec. I’m down to about 1 “oh this

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Work Update

Started doing a split shift today… that means I get to start work at home a bit earlier (an hour, so 7:30 instead of 8:30), but go into work in post rush hour traffic, around 9 or 9:30 or so. I also figured out I can get up an hour later in the morning…. Somehow

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Corny Update

Took corny to the vet yesterday to have his drain removed. It was pretty gross to see someone remove a six inch rubber tube from inside my cat! Still, this means that there’s one less thing for him to chew at / lick at so he’s that much closer to having his cone off all

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An Unhappy Tabby

A couple of days ago we noticed an odd bump on Corny‘s back. I didn’t think much of it, though it was odd. Anyway, the next day it was bigger, and he’d licked all the fur off that one spot, so I knew it was time to do something about it. It looked like a

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