LAN Party Upcoming!

Fun happy time I’m invited to a LAN tomorrow. Man, it’s been ages since I’ve been able to go to one, and I’m really looking forward to it. Course, I have no idea if the q3/cod/etc installs actually work anymore, or heck, if I still even have them installed… probably a good thing to check […]

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Playing with New MT Styles

For anyone who doesn’t use RSS to read this, please excuse the changes to look and feel, I’ve been playing with the Movable Type Style Generator and like it. Now I just need a bit of color sense 🙂 Any suggestions or emailed stylesheets gladly accepted.

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When Computers Go “Boom”

Signs you know something is up with a server #28: bash-2.05# uptime   2:11pm up 34 days, 7:49, 3 users, load average: 167.50, 163.29, 153.79 bash-2.05# Not my server specifically, one that I’m working on though. Luckily just after I got this “screenshot” I re-logged in and the co-lo had rebooted the box.

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A Free Idea for the MPAA

The MPAA has long been bitching about the evil internet pirates stealing from their movies instead of going to a theatre, spending $15 on a ticket, $20 on popcorn and a drink, sitting for a half hour waiting for the movie to start watching ads, then watching another 3-7 ads once the lights go down,

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Battlestar Galactica The Game

Holy crap this looks cool. Anyone who knows me knows I’m a huge Battlestar Galactica fan…. hell, my conversations start with “Do you watch Battlestar Galactica?”. Anyway, going through a list of upcoming games and saw Battlestar Galactica: Beyond the Red Line. Basically a BSG game. Nothing much in the website yet, but the forums

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Laws of the Computing Universe

Along with such stand-bys as requiring the goat at midnight GMT not PST when debugging SCSI issues, another one must state: If you lay off all your linux experts you will have to hire them back as a contractor at double their previous salary to have them help you fix the issues they were dealing

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Server Upgrades that Go Well

The upgrade went well yesterday, in fact, about as close to flawless as you can get. Other than poor fred having to ride in the back of my little sports car (with the huge server box on the passenger seat), things went well. We got there around 11am and then basically set up both boxes

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Stuff Getting Done

Got a bunch of random stuff done over the last few days around the house. First of all, finally found my laptop bag with daytimer, passport, etc all in there. whew had me worried there for a while. Turns out I had left it at work at some point just before we got kicked out

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No More Tendonitis

So a couple of days after I got happy pills for my wonky shoulder, the wonky shoulder is all fine and dandy. I noticed this morning after I forgot to take said happy pills that I had my full range of movement again. Trippy. Either the pills worked really well or it only had a

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