Migrated to Apache2

Well, after ages and ages I’ve finally upgraded to Apache 2. Seeing as the software has been out for a while now (a few years at least), and when I’m doing contract work it seems like the hosts that I’m setting up on have apache2 installed already, I figured it was probably time to make […]

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More proof that good things come in twos, I finally dragged myself down to the walk in clinic to find out why my arm has had gimpyness (the medical term) for the last week or so when put in certain positions. Yes, I know, bring on the flood of “doctor it hurts when I do

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Unemployed Again

Well, I’m now unemployed. Due to “re-structuring” at work myself and six of my coworkers are no longer employed. However, I’m refusing to look at this as a negative, instead it’s a huge opportunity to find a new and better job, or career, or create something myself. I honestly have no idea where I’m going.

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Office Cleanup

Things I learned tonight: Nervous energy is not always a good thing I’m one of those personality types that will continue something until it’s done, no matter how meaningless or trivial it is (in this case, cleaning, wiping and sweeping) Swiffer wetjet liquid in an open wound hurts it is possible to just push all

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Fun With Friends

Some friends came in from out of town and a small meet up was arranged. It was cool to get together and geek out a bit. Topics discussed included: Comic books Movies Bad movies Horrible movies Partitioning schemes Politics etc… Best quote of the night had to be: There is no good way to spin

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Cat on Ice

BSpudd pointed me to a hilarious video of a Cat On Ice, a delicious, but short, mix of a cat, ice, and a Coy (Koy?) pond.

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Fancy Alt-Tab Replacements

I saw a link to topdesk 1.4.x software over on Digg which boasted to be an alt-tab replacement that mimicks what Microsoft Vista‘s sexy composited alt-tab does. It’s now 5 minutes later and while it is extremely sexy, it’s about to be removed. The reason? Being presented with a screen of thumbnails of current apps,

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Snow? In February?

Saturday FireflyMom came by and we were going to do some work on the steps and other various niggly bits around the house. After determining it was really cold outside and we’d be much better served to do things inside, we left the steps (and the outdoor cutting it would require) and moved to dealing

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Car is Back, Another Late Night

Looks like the car just needed a new battery. My massive thanks again to ?ryk for running me to the hardware store and then home with my bike in the back of his little hatchback. A bit of monkeying around to throw the battery in and she’s back. Lets not even think about the possibility

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More Car Trouble

Oh, what a great morning this is turning out to be. I woke up late this morning (big surprise) and had to rush (big surprise) after being up late (big surprise) because something computer related wasn’t working (big surprise). Manage to get into the car in time to get to work on time and it

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