
More Destruction

Well, somehow we went from construction to destruction (again). Right now there is a huge hole in the middle of the living room floor. There was a hump in the middle of the floor and some random dips and such, and in a fit of perfection, AndreaBro decided that the hump was far too much […]

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Lots of Work Done and To Do

Well, house stuff continues. Yesterday I moved (literally) a ton of stuff. Over 2000 pounds of flooring from the trailer up to the house as Firefly and FireflyMom were starting to get ready to lay flooring. I felt very manly. Saturday we had a bunch of folks over, including Sean and Cat5, and my folks

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More House Progress

Well, it’s getting closer. Been working our butts off lately, and have had much help from the inlaws obviously as well as my buddies Cat5 and Sean who have come to do manual labor and Cat5 has put it upon himself (at my request of course) to wire the entire house with phone, network and

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Getting Bare

Well, we’re still three days from being able to move in, but packing has started. Most of the bookshelves in the house are empty, and there are various piles of stuff around the house. Piles to be thrown out, to be donated to some random charity that takes old crap, and so on. The hall

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Homeowner in 3… 2… 1…

Well, it’s almost all done. I was in the lawyers office today signing the final papers, and writing the largest check I’ve ever written (well, actually getting the largest certified check I’ve ever had). Also signed myself into the largest amount of money I’ve ever owed, lots of fun. But in three or so days

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Looking for Home Design Software

Anyone know of any good home design software? I’m looking for programs that will allow you to load an image of your house and see what paint colors look like, interior layout programs to arrange furniture, etc. Stuff like what Ikea has for office and kitchen, but different. Pointers appreciated.

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House Buying Updates

Just to try to keep all ya’ll in the loop as to what is going on, and document it for the future. The other day I was at the bank, convincing them to release my RRSPs for the first time homebuyer plan. This took a bit, but managed to get enough for 10% down, which

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The Problem Of Money

Ugh. Ok, things are moving nice and quickly, in a way I guess. The house inspection is going to happen this afternoon, and I met with the mortgage broker last night. My current stress out is getting money out of somewhere (a stone maybe?) to to make the 10% down instead of 5%, so I

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