Author name: Arcterex

Hack Not, Lest Ye Be Hacked

Ok, a night of rest was good! It was later than I thought (11:45) but I still felt much better when I got up in the morning. So where was I. Oh yea, looking forward to fixing more bugs and putting some new functionality into my stuff today. There’s a lobster dinner thing that Silv […]

Hack Not, Lest Ye Be Hacked Read Post »

Re-run season sucks.

Ah, the Internet, what a wonderful thing you are. All I ever need is within your slimy, corporate owned pages. All the smut, juice, and banner ads I could ever imagine. Thank $DEITY the internet isn’t only the web. Least we not forget IRC, NNTP, gopher, archie (and friends), and other wonders such as smtp,

Re-run season sucks. Read Post »

Ground Control to Major Tom….

Thought for the day: Q: How can you tell the difference between when your body is in a state of perfect relaxation and death? A: You can’t. Long day. 99% of it in meetings. Productive meetings, don’t get me wrong. And meetings in The Nest, so we were sitting on couches for the whole day,

Ground Control to Major Tom…. Read Post »

Who Have We Sold our Humanity To?

First of all, happy Mothers day to everyone, or at least, all mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, and above, and most of all to the ArcterMom, who has put up with me for the last 25 years or so. Love you mom. Quick Sunday night TV wrapup. Simpsons was unusual as normal tonight. Malcom in the Middle

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I sbill hab a code

Took yesterday off, was feeling like death warmed over. Well, I actually worked from home (got a bunch done too) as not to sneeze over everyone in the office. Other than work, I didn’t do a whole bunch, other than a quick shopping trip. There is a very article (PDF) about using LISP as a

I sbill hab a code Read Post »