Author name: Arcterex

08/29/2000 2

Ok, all down showering, making lunch (a fine, fine sandwich if I do say so myself… mmmm…. spiced havarti), and now I’m just waiting for my ride. In the meantime I hit a place where I haven’t been for a while, JulieBug’s Journal [ link – amazingly in 2024 the site still exists as a […]

08/29/2000 2 Read Post »


I know that there are hard things in this life. Giving up a baby for adoption, seeing a loved one leave on a journey, being separated from your significant other… Now I’m not saying that these things are hard and a terrible thing to experience, but in my experience there is nothing harder than getting

<pant><pant> Read Post »

Dog Food Woman

I don’t know about anyone else, but I take as absolutely little time at the cash register as possible. When I left home to hit the pet store to get some cat food (lest I be eaten sometime in the night for lack of an alternative) I expected to go in, and come back, with

Dog Food Woman Read Post »

Colors, colors everywhere

So a bit of playing with format and color. Wonder if it sucks. I’m planning to lock myself in my house this weekend with the absolute minimum of human contact so I can code, code code. Work on both work work and fun work (esp since P2P seems to have some people interested in it).

Colors, colors everywhere Read Post »

Surviving the Game

Maybe Survivor doesn’t completely suck. If you think of it as a giant game where the point of it is to win, by any means needed, like in the game Diplomacy, then it’s only mildly nausiating to watch. Which I did, along with about 19 billion other people, last night. It was a Geek Survivor

Surviving the Game Read Post »


I was in bed at 11:30, but thought to myself “I can be creative, what is this sleep thing?” So I came out and made some changes and additions. Hope you enjoy. I had a(nother) dream last night. It was…. strange. Probably more so in that I remember it still. I was in an apartment

08/22/2000 Read Post »


Lots of sleep, though a lot of it was restless. Not enough to deal with 40+ hours of uptime though. Enough to give me a weird dream though…. It was after the LWE show and I decided to go to Newark (though I have no clue where Newark is, in my dream it was located

08/20/2000 Read Post »


Well with all the episodes, and all the changings of tapes and such, the start at midnight last night (23 hours ago) was fine, but we were only 2 episodes into season 7 when I left. I got to see almost all that I went there to see… that is everything 🙂 Only thing I

08/19/2000 Read Post »


Well, the day (Friday) is almost over and I’m back from LWE. I actually got back on Wednesday and just have been a slacker (still) about updating. However, you can read all about my adventures here [ link – why am I needing links for my own site?!]. I’m about to head out to Cat5’s

08/18/2000 Read Post »


Happiness is mod_perl, php, mysql, HTML::Embperl and DBI all playing nicely togeather. Not so nice was waking up to cat-barfing sounds. However, all is not totally lost, I get to head out to the Linux World Expo in San Jose with SilverStr, who very nicely invited me along. I’ll probably hang out with people in

08/09/2000 Read Post »