Random Stuff


Quote Of The Week: “Given the choice of Coke or Pepsi, I’ll have a strawberry smoothie” — Silverstr, at dinner the other night. We have a freezer now. It’s in the living room. Where else do you put a freezer? I’m scared when they talk about getting a washer/dryer and bashing holes through the walls […]

QOTW Read Post »

My Kingdom for a Bowel Movement

Long day today. I’ll start with the short and sweet of the actual events. Went out to get a desk. It rained. That sucked. Went to my parents for a dinner thing. That was good (except that I couldn’t have anything but soup). Came home. Put desk togeather. Finished paper for work. So that was

My Kingdom for a Bowel Movement Read Post »

Re-run season sucks.

Ah, the Internet, what a wonderful thing you are. All I ever need is within your slimy, corporate owned pages. All the smut, juice, and banner ads I could ever imagine. Thank $DEITY the internet isn’t only the web. Least we not forget IRC, NNTP, gopher, archie (and friends), and other wonders such as smtp,

Re-run season sucks. Read Post »

Ground Control to Major Tom….

Thought for the day: Q: How can you tell the difference between when your body is in a state of perfect relaxation and death? A: You can’t. Long day. 99% of it in meetings. Productive meetings, don’t get me wrong. And meetings in The Nest, so we were sitting on couches for the whole day,

Ground Control to Major Tom…. Read Post »