Random Stuff

12/02/99 2

At this point of the night I normally figure why bother going to bed, how is 5.5 hours going to be any better than 4.5 hours of sleep? May as well get some work done.

12/02/99 2 Read Post »


Well, today is the open house… or will be, when I wake up in 6 hours. I don’t understand marketing people. We’re cleaning the office. The bosses (bossi?) are out of town or something, so it’s me and our salesdude. First he gets me to clean the workbench off of all the stuff we were

12/02/99 Read Post »


Ugh. Drunk. Had my 3rd cigar ever, but it is ok, it was in celebration of my roomie having his baby. A boy named Jesse and weighing 7 pounds something. Went out to the bar with his best bud mark to celebrate. I’m not feeling so hot right now to be honest. And I’d forgotten

11/27/99 Read Post »


So I come home after 13 hours at work (not all that spent working mind you, there was lunch and dinner, but from the office from 9 to 10:30ish), the house is a sty, there’s cat puke on the front mat and I have no desire to do anything but sleep. Sorry for the lack

11/24/99 Read Post »


Two mistakes, and so close togeather! Now I’m not perfect, nor even close to it. But two mistakes…. aieee! The first one is that in my previous Dawson’s Creek update… at the end when I said it was Joey who stole the PSAT answers…. oops, it was Andy… Andy McFee, who cheated on her BF

10/26/99 Read Post »


Dream of the ‘eve: The boss decided to send me to a show, any show (in San Jose?) that was at the right time it seemed. Looking to find one on a mug from some comdex/LWE. The office was this big big area now. Then some monster/big guy/nasty was there and beating us all up.

10/25/99 Read Post »


LMAO link of the day from da shack [archive.org link], head to intel-insdie.com [archive.org link]. Hit the link too 🙂 Been pretty busy lately, I’ve not finished the DC Update! (soon to have it’s own page). So here it is: Basically the show was about knowing good and evil (wow, what a surprise with a

10/21/99 Read Post »


Well it’s early morn and alls well, I think. Well, except for the fact that our new transparent proxy seems to use disk space in a BIG way. Fsck. While I write this I’m waiting for a du -s to finish and it’s not… gads… Went out last night with Iambe for some pool and

10/19/99 Read Post »


Almost had a semi-productive day today. Except for being called at sometime really early (6am or so I think) by Iambe (time diff iambe! time diff!), which was ok cause it was asking me which O’Reilly books I wanted her to pick up for me. Good to hear things are going well over in Atlanta

10/17/99 Read Post »