Random Stuff


yawn Well I actually got to bed at a semi-decent hour last night. I helped Tiggersol’s GF’s parents pack up his and K’s stuff into a truck (why exactly do you need a tv, vcr and stereo tig, if you’re not taking the bed? Oh well. Except for a splattering of rain it all went […]

08/25/99 Read Post »


Well, the floods of mail regarding my religous war have stopped… well, ok, they never really started. I did however get a comment from one of my best friends (and one of those weird Christian people (but the good kind)). Oh yeah, as for your first girlfriend’s comment about argueing with us religious nuts, see

08/04/99 Read Post »


2:50am On orders from above (well, below geographically) I’m updating my journal. Appolagies for the delay, this weekend had been mega-busy. The beach trip on saturday (wow, going out into the big blue room) and the resulting vegging on sunday due to my back’s burn (Note: tanning oil does not protect you from the sun)

08/02/99 Read Post »


1:06am Back from the Sun Run. Status: not terrible. I can think of better ways of spending my sunday morning though, instead of walking 10 km on purpose with about 30million other people. Course, it’s good for me or something right? Anyway, bed now, back soon. Oh, btw, sometimes you just have to succum to

04/26/99 Read Post »


Well, no remembered dreams lately , which is a good thing because I think that there is nothing more boring than hearing about others dreams, especially if they are a) not about you b) weird or c) only mean something to that person. My role as head tomatoe and codewanker for the whole UF [archive.org

3/26/99 Read Post »


Well, another day goes by… First of all, I spent a lot of the day assembling the new ufies.org server. Too bad it doesn’t work! I don’t know what the problem is… the video card I got from the second hand store was bust (grumble), but something else is wrong. It boots to the first

02/21/99 Read Post »


“This is Plan B. “Every day for the rest of your lives, all of your living moments are to be spent making others aware of this need — the need to probe and drill and examine and locate the words that take us to beyond ourselves.”Scrape. Feel. Dig. Believe. Ask. “Ask questions, no screech questions

12/28/98 Read Post »


Well, I’ve not been here for a while, but I figured I’d do a quick update now I have a few minutes. First. The ufies site is back! ufies.userfriendly.org works again! Course, due to some magic and some advice from an unnamed source, my old sites of ufies.ml.org and arcterex.ml.org work again too. Not that

11/29/98 Read Post »


later… Have I mentioned I hate cars? Well, dropping my carpool off today, in the timeit took for me to get from my parking lot to the school to drop off an assignmentit broke. The connection from the pipe to the muffler disapeared. Great. Idon’t know if this is something that requires justa weld, a

2/12/98 Read Post »