

Dear universe, please stop hatin’ on me. Please? Working at home today, oblivious under head phones when at 5 or so (just in time for me to not be interrupted from work thankyouverymuch) Firefly noticed a squooshing that wasn’t supposed to be there. The old copper washer that was securing the connection from the copper […]

Flood! Read Post »

Frontyard and Driveway Work

I have to say that the amount of stuff that’s been getting done around here (in my absence) is absolutely amazing. Below are some pics of what’s been going on here the last while. Of course, since these were taken, a hedge has been put up along the right and the arrangement of the bricks

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Deck Progress!

The last couple of weeks have seen a lot of work on the backyard and deck. Here’s a quick pano (pardon the split ladder in the middle 🙂 showing things. Note the barkmulch filled planting boxes around the perimeter, the almost fininished lower deck portion (center right) and now-we’re-starting-to-put-on-deck-boards top section with Firefly and FireflyMom

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Backyard Progress

A couple of quick panoramas from the work that’s been done over the last while. Things to note are the new fence (well, not that new), the planting beds, walkway, and collection of wood for use on the deck

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Adventures in House Alarms

A couple of months ago we got a house alarm… not sure if it was the proper financial decision, but I suppose it can’t hurt as far as protecting my stuff (my precious computers…. my…. preeeecious…). Came home yesterday and didn’t notice the house alarm was on, or maybe it didn’t beep when I opened

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Backyard Work

Somehow going from faux-work (official first day is tomorrow, I went in today for a staff meeting), home and shopping then dinner, and getting pictures from my camera stitched and cleaned up (a bit) and resized, it took way longer than I expected, and somehow it’s suddenly 11! I didn’t even get a chance to

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Ripping out the Back Yard

No, not a nasty sexy euphemism, we started some work in the back of the house in preparation for a mini-machine that Firefly will be getting in. A friend of ours who is a landscaper came by and basically wandered through the yard saying “that’s gone, gone, out of there, get that stuff out, gone,

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Household Duties

Finally it was not raining long enough today for me to cut the grass. Gads what a job… it hasn’t been cut since august of last year or so, so it was in rough shape. Even with the wheels on the mower set to their highest setting the bag still filled up in about two

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